9th Apr -
15th Apr 2025

Extremadura – Land of the Conquistadors

A 6-day tour to the iconic Extremadura region in Central Spain, in conjunction with our friends from Oriole Birding.


Extremadura is the secret wilderness of real Spain, with huge rolling expanses of prime steppe, miles of cork oak woodland and rugged mountain scenery, brought alive by some of the most spectacular birds in Europe. From our base near the historic town of Trujillo, we will see why this area is so good as both an introduction to European birding.

In spring, Great and Little Bustards should be displaying and we will look for both Pin-tailed and Black-bellied Sandgrouse out on the plains. Raptors are everywhere. Graceful Black-shouldered Kites have a thriving population here, as do Spanish Imperial and the declining Bonelli’s Eagle and Lesser Kestrels, Black, Griffon and Egyptian Vultures, Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Black and Red Kites can also be expected.

Soaring birds include both Black and White Storks, with other interesting species such as Western Swamphen, Alpine Swift, Calandra Lark, Thekla’s Lark, Woodchat Shrike and Sardinian Warbler. But that’s not all, as exotic Bee-eaters, Hoopoes, Rollers, Iberian Magpies and Great Spotted Cuckoos fill the days with colour and a fine selection of herons, egrets and passage shorebirds can also be found. You can expect to see around 130 species


Gift Vouchers

If you would like to give a gift to someone who is interested in birds then a gift voucher from The Bird ID Company is an ideal present.

The vouchers can be flexible, and used against any tour or tours over the following 12 months, or can be bought for a specific tour.