It was a foggy start on the coast this morning. With a cool NE breeze as well, it didn’t feel like a day for spring migrants, but we had a half-day out booked. I was asked whether it might be possible to see Wrynecks at this time of year and, knowing that there had been one on Blakeney Point for the last couple of days, I thought it might be worth a try. As we arrived at the beach car park, you could barely even see the sea, but we decided to have a go anyway. And we were glad that we did.
As we walked out along the shingle the mist started to lift a little and slowly the birds started to appear. At first, we came across a few Wheatears. Then a late Fieldfare flew up in front of us. A Willow Warbler and a couple of Chiffchaffs flitted about in the bushes and a Tree Pipit flew over calling. Suddenly three large white shapes appeared out of the mist in front of us – Spoonbills – flying off west over the harbour. Best of all, a loud ‘tchacking’ behind us revealed a female Ring Ouzel.
Arriving at Halfway House, we had no trouble relocating the Wryneck, though it was a little flighty. By now, the visibility had improved and we could see out across the harbour. A couple of Little Terns were sitting out on the mud, two Common Terns were feeding over one of the channels, and a good selection of the usual waders was on view. Feeling thoroughly satisfied, we decided to head back. There seemed to be even more Wheatears now, but just to round the morning off nicely a female Redstart flicked up in front of us.