25th Aug 2024 – Wader Spectacular


A single day Wader Spectacular tour, with a visit up to the Wash coast to watch the swirling flocks of waders over high tide. It was a nice day, mostly bright and sunny, but a surprisingly cool start to the morning and with an increasingly fresh wind in the afternoon. We had an early start, […]

27th-28th July 2024 – Wader Weekend

White-rumped Sandpiper

A 2-day Private Tour Wader Weekend in North Norfolk. The specific brief was to pick a weekend where we could catch up with some returning waders. It might seem like summer to us, but late July is a great time for return autumn wader migration. We were blessed with some nice weather too, sunny and […]

20th July 2024 – Summer Tour

Temminck's Stint

A single day group Summer Tour. From one extreme to the other this summer, it was a mostly bright, sunny and very warm day, touching 27C in the afternoon. A bit more cloud bubbled up later in the day but rather than the forecast possible thunderstorms we had about 10 minutes of very light rain. […]

14th July 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 3


Day 3 of a 3-day Summer Tour. Much better weather today, after a cloudy start there were some nice sunny spells and it felt much warmer. The wind was a rather gusty W/WNW first thing but dropped during the morning. We spent the day down in the Brecks and into the edge of the Fens. […]

13th July 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 2 & Nightjar Evening

White-winged Black Tern

Day 2 of a 3-day Summer Tour including a Nightjar Evening. It was another cloudy, grey and cool day, with a fresh NW wind in the morning swinging to the W by the afternoon. Again, thankfully it stayed mostly dry, at least until later in the evening. It seemed a rather unpromising day, but we […]

12th July 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 1

Bearded Tit

Day 1 of a 3-day Summer Tour. It was a cloudy, grey and cool (for the time of year) day, with a strong N wind coming straight down the North Sea. It didn’t exactly feel like summer, but at least it remained mostly dry until later in the afternoon. We spent the day in North […]

16th June 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 3

Stone Curlew

Day 3 of a 3-day Summer Tour. It was originally forecast to be a nice day today, the best of the weekend. Then last night the Met Office changed its mind – it was going to rain all morning and there would be thundery showers in the afternoon. We set off down to the Brecks […]

15th June 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 2 & Nightjar Evening

Common Crane

Day 2 of a 3-day Summer Tour, including a Nightjar Evening. It was originally meant to be a nicer day today, but it started very grey and damp and was much windier still than forecast. After a brighter hour or so mid-morning when the sun broke through, it clouded over again and then rained for […]

14th June 2024 – Summer Tour, Day 1

Bearded Tit

Day 1 of a 3-day Summer Tour. After a grey start, it brightened up through the morning and we even had some sunny spells around the middle of the day. There were more showers around in the afternoon though and it gradually got greyer again until it started to rain on and off later on. […]

9th June 2024 – Late Spring Tour

Peregrine adult

A single day Late Spring group tour in North Norfolk, looking for summer breeding birds and late spring migrants. After a brighter start, it clouded over progressively and threatened rain at times. There was a cold and blustery wind too, which meant it hardly felt like summer, but at least we managed to stay dry. […]